Corvallis Masonic Lodge 14, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, in Corvallis, Oregon 
Welcomes you to our website. These pages contain information about our lodge, some of our history, who we are, and what we do.

WELCOME to Corvallis Lodge #14 Web Site

My name is Mike Legorreta and I’m the Master of the lodge. If you have questions or would like additional information, please email me:

The purpose of this website is to provide information about our Masonic lodge and Freemasonry in general. If you’d like information on membership, please send an email to:






Sr. Warden – George Legorreta

Master – Mike Legorreta

Jr. Warden – Micheil Wallace

Corvallis Lodge 14 is one of the oldest in Oregon.  It was the 14th lodge chartered in the state in 1857.  Corvallis Lodge 14 has meetings each month on the 1st. and 3rd. Wednesdays – 7:30pm.

Below is a history of our lodge from 1857 to 1957.

The History of Corvallis Lodge 14 – download and view (1.5MB)…

To download a PDF copy of this document, please click on the icon image to the right!

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Rockey Lodge 75  split off Corvallis Lodge 14 in 1880 and rejoined in 1893

Below is a a document relating to some of the information from that lodge.

The Information of Rockey Lodge 75 – download and view…

To download a PDF copy of this document, please click on the icon image to the right!

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Want to Become A Member of Corvallis Lodge 14?

A man interested in joining a Masonic Lodge must first request to become a Mason…
